Learn Your Land with Adam Hairtan

Learn Your Land


This week on Forager's Radio, I had the immense pleasure of speaking with Adam Haritan of Learn Your Land.

For the past eight years, Adam has cultivated an exceptional Youtube Channel dedicated to educating people on the wonders of nature. Furthermore, he eloquently expresses the importance of establishing a fulfilling connection with your local natural landscapes. With over 500,000 subscribers, Adam's Youtube channel serves as a plentiful source of information and inspiration for foragers, nature enthusiasts, and conservationists alike.

Topics Covered:

  • Why Should People Learn Our Land?
  • The Truth About Commercial Mushroom Products
  • What Caused "The Shroom Boom?"/ Why Is Fungi So Fascinating? 
  • Fungi As An Accessible Entry Point  To Connecting With Nature
  • The Spirituality Of Hunting
  • Adam's New Project of Studying Ecosystems
  • The Serpentine Barrens of Pennsylvania
  • Adam's Online Course Offerings
  • The Importance of Nature Mentors
  • The Endeavor Of Being A Genuine Educator
  • A Deep Look Into Current Land Conservation 
  • Connecting Foraging To Land Conservation
  • Love, The Glue Of Life And Nature
  • Rewilding Your Lawn
  • Chicken Of The Woods: Delicious Or Disgusting?

    Episode Resources 

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